Good News Part 2

Since the five-year look back is over for Medicaid, Victor has been working with a new nursing home to place his mom there. 

It’s been a few months. She was approved for hospice a few weeks ago. Hospice is needed for respite stays. 

Victor was contacted by the nursing home today to let him know his mom will be going into respite on the 25th. And she will be staying because she will be living there. 

I’m not fully excited yet, and that’s because we’ve been on this road before; things are going in the direction for her to be placed, and then there is a roadblock. But this time, it does seem that it’s happening.

I also have an underlying worry/fear that Victor will move his youngest son in with us. He has mentioned it a few times. I will keep praying about it and probably eventually have to talk to him about it. We deserve to live alone and have a life.

I will continue to pray for our life to be the way it should be. I am looking forward to living alone again.

4 thoughts on “Good News Part 2

  1. Eden that is very good news! Now as for his youngest son, how old is he?? If he’s out of school I’d definitely be proactive and let Victor know that his son is better off learning how to stand on his own two feet! If he’s a minor it begs the question of why he should be moving in if his mother has custody. Unless the child is in imminent physical danger he needs to stay with the custodial parent! You deserve to be a couple without the responsibility of another person to tend to!!! I’m praying with you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


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